Thursday, March 1, 2012

The things that truly make me happy: Part 3: Josh

Josh my sweetie pie is a pretty supportive guy, and puts up with a lot from me. He samples every recipe I make and try and will even tell me honestly when he thinks it's missing something. That's truly all I can ask for...honesty.

When you finally find someone genuinely honest and sweet and caring and and and...(yes I know that's grammatically not correct to create a sentence that way, but that's how I roll...) it's hard to let go of that person, like, ever. Honey, you're stuck with me and that's all I'm sayin'
Silver Dollar City, our first super cute picture together!

Francie is trying to escape the terribleness of being held

Josh has sat through me scouring blogs and recipes to find something that sparks my interests during the weekends, he's dealt with me going to HyVee and seeing fresh salmon and going oooooo I want! He typically shakes his head at my oddities and then joins in to throw some ideas out at me. Duck for instance has been a suggestion. I mean seriously his first suggestion was duck. Babe, you're one in a million!

Terrible picture quality, but waiting on our flight to take off when we went to NYC to visit my brother and sistah!

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